Costumes for a fancy dress “P” party!
All photos in this post are in our collection or have been made by us and there are many more which we don’t have pictures for yet.
[box type=”info”]We can custom make or hire you a costume for your next fancy dress party, film shoot, or event[/box]
Take a good look, get some ideas, and if you see something that catches your fancy, call us up to find out how we can put it together to suit your style and personality. Make an appointment to visit the shop, try a few things on and have a chat, we can help you find or create what you’re looking for.
Create something to surprise and make your friends laugh. Experience being another character for a night, remembering your character helps to set a scene for the other guests. You’re supposed to make them laugh, or inspire them to aspire to something 😉
Who cares if you look silly? And if you want to stay attractive, keep to the styles that best suit your body shape.
When else do you get to play act, create fantasy and exercise this kind of playful creativity? Keep it fun! Be whom ever you want to be for a night without people calling you crazy. Ha! So go on, come in and pick something off the rack and get creative.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]scroll to the bottom to Contact Agent costume for your next party costume! Custom made or party hire![/box]
Painter: Artist smock and oversized black beret
Parent: uhm…there are many interesting parents out there…how about Stifler’s Mom from American Pie? or Carol and Mike Brady from the Brady Bunch? or June and Ward Cleaver from leave it to Beaver…?
Park Ranger: khaki’s, was Steve Irwin a Park Ranger? he was a big personality at least…
Parisian: Moulin Rouge! Painter! Toulouse Lautrec! French man in beret and stripes and curly moustache with baguette.
Party animal: Onsie animal suit. We have a selection of ears and tails.
Penelope Pitstop
Peter Allan: tropical shirt and tight white pants.
Pervert: Trench coat, glasses, greasy slicked down hair with front or side part.
Panther: Black catsuit
Peace lover: Woodstock hippy! John and Ono Lennon.
Pest: check out our spider costume- featured on ABC’s “The unbelievable truth” It’s hilarious! but hot to wear, so expect to spend the evening outside cooling off. Good for winter!
Photographer: why not 1920’s style, with a trench coat, brown slacks, braces and shirt, and press pass in the hat band of your brown homburg.
Pied Piper: 13th century musician in Germany who lead the children away from town after the town’s folk refused to pay him for first leading the rats away.
Pierrot : sad black and white french clown
Pirate: the usual Pirate garb etc..
Pillager: Viking
Pink: Dress head to toe in pink
Pink: the Pop star!
Pink Fairy
Pimps and Pro’s: Big hat and furry coat, etc
Pinocchio: wooden puppet toy who’s nose grew longer with every lie he told.
Pin up Girl: of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s
Pippi Long Stocking
Pharaoh: Kings of Ancient Egypt
Playboy bunny:
Pocahontas: Indan squaw dress, feathered headpiece, belt, beads
Poison Ivy:
Police: cop suit and badge.
Poltergeist: grab an old sheet and cut eye holes out to see through. Add some chains if you want for noise, like the old scottish ghost stories set in age old castles!
Polynesian: polynesian dancer
“Pool Cleaner” (Porn Star)
Pop Art: Andy Warhole! or Marilyn Monroe face painted in psychedelic colours!
Pop Art Prince: Andy Warhole
Pop Star: Prince (double ‘P’ whammy), Madonna, Michael Jackson, the Spice Girls, Cindy Lauper
Poseidon: Ancient Greek predecessor of the Roman King Neptune. Long white wig and beard, trident, blue/green robes, abs to die for.
Pretty in Pink: pink 80’s prom dress and auburn curly hair.
Pregnant: pregnant nun!
Prima Ballerina: Tutu… Black Swan! or white swan
Prince of Persia
Princess: Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Arial-Little Mermaid
Prisoner: striped pants top and hat or orange boiler suit.
Prom Queen
Psychedelic: 60’s psychedelic colours and round red sunglasses.
Psychiatrist: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, long white coat, glasses, slicked back hair, glasses
Psychic: oversized turban, flowing robes and jewels
Puck: Midsummer nights dream, an imp or little devil
Pugsley Addams: Pudgy son of Morticia and Gomez Addams, black pants and striped top.
Punjabi: Bollywood!
Punk: Vivian westwood, vivian from the young ones, Sid Vicious
Puss in Boots:
Pussy Galore: A glamorous James Bond movie character
Purple People Eater: your guess is as good as mine! how about head to toe purple and zombie like
- Punjabi, Bollywood
- Artist
- Psychic
- Psychadelic
- Psychedelic
- Parisian
- Knife thrower’s assistant
- Playboy bunny
- Parisian
- Wilfred, puppy dog
- Fluffy puppy dog costume
- Puppy
- Peter Pan
- Peter Pan
- pirate-treasure, “My Precious Booty”
- Pirate! Peter Pan
- Pirate
- Pirate costume
- Pirate wench
- Pirate wench
- Pensive pirate
- Pirate, Lost boys
- Punjabi
- Pillager (viking)
- Pillager (viking)
- Vikings
- Viking
- Pillager (viking)
- Viking
- Polynesian dancer
- Polynesian dancer
- Polynesian accessories
- polynesian
- polynesian, island beauties
- Lost tribe
- Pasifika sway, polynesian dancers
- Park Ranger
- Panther on the prowl
- Panther with golden leash
- Pole dancer Panther
- Panther (and snow tiger)
- (Black) Panthers! Human rights movement of the 60’s
- Pest – spider
- Pest – Spider
- Pimp ‘n’ Pro
- Pocahontas,
- Pocahontas
- Pocahontas
- Pocahontas, Indian Squaw
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Ivy costume
- Pixie
- Pixie
We have many costumes that are not photographed, so make a time to come in and check it out.