Agent Costume

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge Fancy Dress costume Party Theme.
Yes we Can Can!
Corsets, frills, feathers and lace.
Typically red and black seem to be the favoured costume colours of choice, but all that glitters, sparkles and marvels seem to be the go with this flavour.

Moulin Rouge feathers and gloves

Moulin Rouge feathers and gloves

Go wild, go over the top. The world is your stage, and you need to be seen all the way from the back of the theatre.

Hot Moulin Rouge costume

Limber up ladies, get those high kicks in before the floor fills up with other delicious creatures of the night and you find yourselves dancing way into the night and riding home on the shoulders of dawn.

Men, suit up. Look smart. Top hats and tails. Skinny waxed and curly moustaches. Pink cheeks and monocle. Polished Cane, polished shoes.
Whether you choose to take a vintage or modern angle, be sure to take care.
The ladies are worth it.

This is a night to shine, so polish up your dancing shoes, gather your most sparkly jewels, get your hair done, and shine shine shine on, you precious diamonds.
[box type=”note”]There are more costumes available than photographed in this album. Stock is always changing. Call us to make an appointment and find out how we can best dress you for your big Moulin Rouge event.[/box]

Contact Agent Costume

Do you need a costume? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.
  • or simply call 0405 808 884

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