Broaches and pretty ornamentations!
This always happens. Whenever I start a tidy up, I get distracted by the little bits and pieces I find and start turning them into broaches!
My school report always had comments about being “too easily distracted” and “talking too much” but that’s another story.
Hmmm yes, where was I?
Oh yeah! I just saw a vintage piece of lace and thought it would look awesome with a piece of that old broken pearl necklace I found about a month ago and put somewhere for safe keeping… and hey presto the draws I neatly tidied are emptied on the bench again and I’m setting course for new project number 6721, and counting.
Never mind the fact that the tidy was instigated by a need for a clear space to finish the gorgeous nurse costume I’d started on the weekend because I had left over red velvet from the hooded cape I finally started and finished- after first thinking of it when I initially acquired the red velvet off cuts saved from the potential fate of landfill at a sailmakers warehouse over 2 years ago when I helped him make some curtains for a well to do client of his.
Soaked in history, those curtains were once theatre curtains. Fitting they should be altered for a well known actors house, and the off cuts used to make costumes to play dress ups in.
On Friday they became a little red riding hood cape, on Saturday I made a luxury red velvet airline steward outfit, a red velvet bask with boning, and yesterday I made a nurses cape.
Ok, now I need to make the dress to go with the cape, but first I need to tidy up the mess I made being distracted by making broaches!
Now here are some photos of my past few days distractions.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]keep scrolling past gallery to contact Agent Costume[/box]
- sewing creations
- PVC Nurse cap and decadent red velvet cape
- Vintage style broaches
- Air Stewdardess
- Red Riding Hood