ears and tail costume peices

The Ube Love Story

Ube Love – The Birth of Ube Love, by Elisa Marigold. Ube – pronounced “oohbay” – is an intensely purple, yam like, root vegetable found commonly in the Philippines. It is so popular it has been recognised by Philippine based American food franchises and placed on their menus! Imagin ube -flavoured doughnuts with richly coloured…

Ube Love: In the beginning

I’ve taken a step back in time, and rediscovered a small album of past work. Back in the late 1990s, I was studying Visual Arts at RMIT. It was torturous. All I ever wanted to do was paint, and the tutors kept encouraging me to practice sculpture, and then photography once I dropped sculpture in…

Ube Love: new designs

I have been busy working hard at my Botany studio. Here is a small selection of designs Marta and I have decided to develop further. We were all packed and ready to go to Manly markets on the weekend. But, it rained! So instead we paid an unexpected visit to an old neighbour of mine.…