Agent Costume

Costume sewing for Telstra NRL campaign

Custom made Bucking Football

Custom made Bucking Football

What do you think of this Bucking Football? (Say that three times, fast.)

Rockstar football

Agent Costume made this for the latest NRL Telstra campaign.

It was a last minute job (most ad jobs seem to be) allowing us less than a week to design the pattern, material source, define construction to withstand the the pressure of someone sitting on it being thrown around without busting a seam, organise graphics, printing, cutting, sewing, gluing. Needless to say, it was a highly focused project requiring a high level of concentration and a long list of materials. There was small to no room for error, but we applied our experience, worked it out and got it done and the result speaks for itself. Hilarious.
The underneath bucking machine comes from Planet Entertainment You could say, we costumed the football!

In the same week we got a call from the stylist Janai Anselmi requiring this custom made orange jumpsuit for the same shoot.
Luckily I was able to rearranged my work schedule to accommodate.

orange rockstar jumpsuit

Glam rock Straight in your eyes!

orange rockstar jumpsuit

Yes, we make costumes and props for TV commercials, special events and campaigns. We also make costumes for cosplay events, dance performances, birthday parties, hen’s nights and Random fancy Dress parties. We will also do random alterations for the neighbours needing their hems shortened and suit jackets more tailored to their body shape.

Our costumes are of a much higher quality than regular packet bought costumes.
There is a time and a place for cheap packet costumes, but don’t purchase one to keep, thinking you’ll wear it again. These costumes are worth less than they cost. Why not spend the same, or a little bit more to hire an outfit worth $300 to $650. You will experience a more authentic sense of character, and your friends will enjoy being taken to another world with you.

If you need a special costume, then make an appointment to find out how we can help you to look your best, as we are not always available at short notice.

Contact Agent Costume

Do you need a costume? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.
  • or simply call 0405 808 884

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