How much fun is a Bad Taste costume party?
For a start, people can relax knowing they are not going to be judged for their fashion sense, or sense of “cool” and sophistication.
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Some examples of people who may not warm to this theme would be:
1. Those who take themselves a bit too seriously and are afraid their idea of bad taste may be misconstrued.
2. They are afraid, that to meet people whilst dressed with bad taste would have their first impression count in this way.
3. Are afraid they’ll see their own style in someone else’s idea of bad taste.
4. They have a really awesome outfit they’ve just purchased and are dying to wear it instead.
I’ve got news for all of you.
1 & 2. It doesn’t matter what you wear, it’s who you are ultimately that leaves the impression.
3. You need to find out about it sooner rather than later.
4. If you’re one of those who has just found an awesome outfit you’re dying to wear to the next party, then wear it! Tweak the outfit, mismatch accessories and get it wrong, just for one night.
Now if you’re afraid of who you think you are, whether or not you can carry it off, or have an underlying subconscious fear that it doesn’t matter what you do you’ll get it wrong anyway, well, this is the one time you can and are in fact required to do so, so you’ll be fine.
If you are still convinced you wont get it right, then that’s a whole other kettle of fish, and you’ll have to work at reminding yourself you feel that way when it comes up so you can then remind yourself it’s not true, and life is actually fun! Just remember, there’s no point freaking out about what impression you’re going to leave when everybody else is too busy worrying about themselves anyway. The best way to get over this fear is to actually concentrate on other people, and get the focus off yourself. Ask them questions about their costume or consider how they may be feeling, rather than focusing on all the ways you could be looking stupid.
I mean, what if people laugh at you?
Well guess what, at this party they’re supposed to!
Other names for a similar theme could be:
- “Over the Top” or “OTT”
- “Fruit” – as in the youthful colourful fruit on Japanese streets
- “Fruit and Nuts”
- “Worst fashion sense”
- “Wrong”
- “Your worst fashion faux pas”
[box type=”info”]Agent Costume has magic dress up boxes fill with fashion items and accessories. All it takes is the right combination of things to tip the balance over and make it look “In Bad Taste”[/box]
It’s your chance to really experiment. You can stylishly Glam it up to the max using the American TV series Dynasty as a reference aiming for big hair, equally big shoulder pads and masses of glitz. Other references for outlandish glamour could be Eurovision, and images of Royalty at special occasions.
Another way to bad taste it would be to wear things that are simply not flattering.
Break all the rules!
Go over board tacky, or overboard baggy. Wear too much make up, or forget to groom yourself.
Your outfit will say something like:
“I’m a clueless tart”
“I’m desperate for fame”
“I’m a nerd”
“I’m a slob”
‘I’m a spoilt princess”
“I don’t care about fashion as long as I’m comfortable”
“I’m not in the game of fashion conscious”
“I was never in the game in the first place”
“My mum buys my clothes”
“My Mum stopped buying my clothes 15 years ago and I still wear them”
“I got dressed in the dark, and my mirror is broken”
“I’m colour blind”
“If I copy my favourite move star you’ll think I’m awesome like I think he’s awesome and you’ll never see the real me who’s definitely not as cool”
“It’s important you view me as sensible and style is for silly people”
“I’m stuck in my Hey day and I can’t break free”
“I’m pretending I don’t care about my presentation while all the while comparing myself to everyone including you”
“I spent a fortune on myself and you wish you were me”
“If I were you I’d wish you were me”
“I wish I was you”
“I almost believe myself in this way, if i try hard enough you’ll believe it too”
Another way to express bad taste would be to pick a well known personality with questionable fashion sense, or social opinions and dress as them. Think carefully about this one as you don’t want to offend anybody. The aim of a good party is to keep things light hearted and fun.
The funniest bad taste outfits are the ones where people really do go to effort matching things just so, balancing everything so they look really unflattering, and wear it like they think they look awesome.
It helps to pick a character, define their hobbies and interests, and then go out to an op-shop and pick out the ultimate party outfit for them!
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Save time! Get styled by a professional. Contact Agent Costume for style advice today. Keep scrolling past gallery to contact Agent Costume. Meanwhile, have a look at the following randomly taken Over the Top party shots. [/box]
- Over the top
- Over the top
- Over the top
- Over the top
- over the top
- over the top
- Amy Winehouse costume
- Super hero aerobics instructor costume
- Super hero
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Contact Agent costume for your next party outfit, custom made or fancy dress party hire. Make an appointment to ensure best service.[/box]