Cowboys and Indians Costume party ideas and costumes available in Sydney’s eastern Suburbs, just off Bondi Rd near Bondi Junction. Agent Costume has a varied array of quality costumes available to hire.
Here are some ideas to think about, either we have them or we can make them up.
Saloon bar girls, Little House on the Prairie, Beverly Hillbillies, Zorro, Mexican Ponchos, South of the border, Frieda Carlo, Spanish influence with flamenco dancers and mariachis! Cactus, Dolly Parton, May West, Vivien Leigh from Gone wiht the Wind, Toy Story, Blazing Saddles, Pinatas! Donkeys, Maverick card players, … the list goes on
- Indian Squaw costume
- Pocahontas costume
- Senorita costume
- Cowboy costumes
- Cowboy costume
- cowgirl
- Cowboys and Indians Costumes
- Cowboys, Indians and Saloon bar costumes
- cow girl
- cow girl
- Don’t fence me in.
- Head to toe cowboy
- Cowboys and Indians Fancy dress costume theme ideas, Bondi, Sydney
- Indian Chief Costume
- Cowboys and Indians costumes
- Custom made chaps
- Saloon bar girl costume, Indian warrior costume
- Indian Squaw costume, saloon bar girl costume
- Saloon Bar Girl costume
- Mexican Poncho
- Indian
- Saloon bar girl costume
- Cow girl costume
- Cowboys and indians Fancy Dress Costume theme ideas
The good, the bad and the ugly. Chaps, vests, guns and holsters, cowboy hats, aviator sunglasses (for a more modern take), bandanas around the neck (to protect your face from dust when you’re riding on the dusty plains), your trusty steed, cowboy boots, 3 day growth (beard), moustache, fringing, guitar,
Calamity Jane, John Wayne, Woody from Toy Story.
South of the border part I
Rough and tumble.
Ponchos and somberos, fat mustachios, grog. Guns and pellets.
Peaceful weavers and farmers with big skirts and blouses and vests, ribbons and plaits
South of the border part II – after the spanish conquistador influence
Sexy seniorita’s with lace gloves, red roses and black and red frills.
Mariachi’s, with coins down the sides of their jackets and pants
Wealthy Spanish businessmen, silver mining magnates,
Why not go dressed as a silver or gold nugget?
American Indian Tribal
young strong warriors,
beautiful squaw maidens,
mythological characters,
spirit of various animals, snake, buffalo etc.
feathers, leather, plaits, bone, stone
Saloon bar
wenches, corsetry and frilled petticoats
bar attendants,
gambling down and outers,
successful gamblers,
modern-day cheerleading saloonbar girls,
Gambling tricksters
Maverick (movie)
Little House on the prairie
good natured country folk
petticoats and bonnets
slacks vests and leather brimmed hats
Petticoat Junction
bad teeth, messy hair, dirty face
rope belts on ripped badly fitting pants
dirty feet
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What are you fighting for or standing for? money, property, a long standing family feud, for love?
What are you fighting? – your family, other families, A tribe of indians, a gang of Banditos, Fancily dressed power mongering business men, The railway going through your homestead, the bottle?
What are you standing for? – peace, love, harmony, happiness, power, money, fun-times, women, booze, cardgames, gambling, a promotion, your town, your country, your tribe, your family?
Where are your strengths: Loyalty, sure shot gun firing, archery, scapling, card tricks, turning tricks, horse riding, dancing, are you a charmer, are you kind and gentle, Are you out to have fun?
Where are your weaknesses: jealousy, quick to anger, quick to fire, alcoholism, women, gambling, overly competitive, greedy, gluttonous, power hungry, are you a coward, are you suspicious, paranoid, weak?
I like to start with a character, and work something out around that.
Having said that, there’s something to be said for keeping an open mind. You may stumble across something you never imagined! Like an awesome petticoat, or sequinned corset, or suede vest, that has you magically turn your ideas over to another direction.
So go on! Get cracking! Make ideas.
Contact Agent costume below for more.