Cuddly bear jumpsuits. Perfect winter warming for a cosy day at home.
Easy to wear and easy to care for.
Simply cold or warm- Not Hot!- machine wash, and drip dry, or warm – Not Hot!- tumble dry.
Soft and snuggly against the skin, and to cuddle!
That’s why they are called “Cuddle Me Bear suits!”
The neck opening is a cross over front, for double snuggly tummy warmth, and no cold zipper backs against your skin. You simply climb in through the neck!
Australian Made!
- Stud fly for easy bathroom convenience.
- The suit is studded across the back waist for more easy bathroom convenience.
- Un-pop the back without having to remove your top half from the super high quality, non piling, polar fleece snuggly warmth!
- Yummy Yum!
Added features : coloured fur ears, tails, stars appliquéd on the sleeves and booties. Personalize you bear suit. Write in for suggestions.
Made to measure, or standard size.
Detachable tail optional.
1 year old Baby bear suits with front and leg studs for easy nappy access, now in Red or Navy
Get your cuddle on!
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Do you need a costume? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.